Tea of the Week – Fujian Ali Shan
Name: Fujian Ali Shan
Type: Oolong
Region: Taiwan
Bought At: Adagio.com
Price: $29 for maestro sampler set (4 teas)
First Impressions: Pellet-Like Leaves, Slightly Sweet Grassy Aroma
First off, wow do these leaves “grow” in the water. They go in as tightly packed little balls, and they unfurl to fill the whole container – interesting to see (well maybe “interesting” isn’t the right word, but it was neat). Anyways, on to the tea. My first tea from the lighter Adagio Maestro Sampler, Fujian Ali Shan, was really good. Warm and mellow, it wasn’t really either sweet or bitter. This tea goes down really smooth, it hints at a greener grassy taste, but stops short of it. One thing I didn’t like was a slightly foul aftertaste, although not strong enough to make me dislike the tea, it was there. Overall, another good oolong – I think oolong is slowly passing black as my second favorite tea.
My Rating:
3.0 / 5
(Teageek.org Founder)
*Disclosure (AND Thanks!): This was part of a free sampler I got from Adagio to preview.