Tea of the Week – White Peony
Name: White Peony
Type: White
Region: Fujian province, China
Bought At: Adagio.com
Price: $2 for a five cup sample
First Impressions: Large leaves, some covered in white but not all
The second white tea from my sampler, I thought this would be very similar to snowbud. In some ways it was – light tones sweet smelling before brewed. What surprised me is it isn’t sweet like snowbud. Instead it has a not-quite-smoky flavor that reminded me more of green tea. It definitely had a noticeable flavor to it, as opposed to some white teas that are so light they only hint at a flavor. It is good, and the smokiness was a nice change up from the other white teas I have tried.
My Rating:
3 / 5
(Teageek.org Founder)
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