Tea of the Week – Apricot Green

Name: Apricot Green

Type:  Green

Region:  China

Bought At:  Adagio.com

Price:  $2 for a ten cup sample

First Impressions: Wonderful sweet and fruity smell


My first review in a loong time, apricot green was really good.  The smell of the leaves and brewed tea are both awesome without being overpowering.  The tea itself was good, a nice sweet hint of apricots on top of a mellow green tea.  It reminded me a lot of one of my all time favorites, citron green.  The biggest difference between this and citron is the apricot flavor was much more subtle, and a little sweeter.  Overall a good tea, and hopefully a good start to blogging again!

My Rating:
3 / 5

(Teageek.org Founder)

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