Tea Review: Tie Guan Yin “Iron Goddess”
Name: Tie Guan Yin “Iron Goddess”
Type: Oolong
Region: Anxi, Fujian, China
Bought At: Teavivre.com
Price: $10.50 for 3.5oz
First Impressions: Tightly compacted, very green leaves
It has been a little while since I have had any oolong teas, so it was nice to have one again. This “Iron Godess” tea has a bright, leafy, almost floral aroma, and brews to a very vibrant yellow color. It has a very mellow but still pronounced green tea taste, but it has a heaviness to it that distinguishes it from a green. A very good tea, I can see this filling the gap between wanting more flavor than a green but not the caffeine of a black. Overall, it had everything I would look for in a oolong tea.
My Rating:
4 / 5
*Disclosure (And Thanks!): This was part of a free sampler I got from teavivre