Tea of the Week – White Symphony

Name: White Symphony

Type:  White

Region:  Fujian province, China

Bought At:  Adagio.com

Price:  $2 for a five cup sample

First Impressions:  Large leaves, looks like white peony


Upon visiting Adagio’s website I found out why white symphony and white peony looked so much alike to me – white symphony is a type of white peony tea.  Like the other white peony, this tea is very mellow and smooth.  I actually think that it has slightly subtler flavors than the other peony, which, until now I wouldn’t have thought possible without tasting watery.  It does however manage to do this, and quite well.  I feel like I should not give this a 3 / 5 rating because that is where all the white teas I have tried landed so far, but it really is in the same category:  just above average, good, but definitely nothing  overly exciting.  Three it is!

My Rating:
3 / 5

(Teageek.org Founder)

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