Tea of the Week – Yunnan Jig

Name:  Yunnan Jig

Type:  Black

Region:  Yunnan region of China

Bought At:  Adagio.com

Price:  $3 for a 10-cup sample

First Impressions:  Sweet Smelling, Large Leaves


My second attempt at new black teas was Yunnan Jig.  After the pleasant surprise of enjoying last week’s English Breakfast so much, maybe my expectations were just too high.  Yunnan Jig had a little bit sweeter smell than some black teas, but other than that nothing really jumped out at me.  It wasn’t too bitter, although it did have the slight hint that accompanies some black teas.  There just didn’t seem to be anything going for it.   I was also disappointed that there was no sweetness that I was expecting given its aroma.  While I didn’t mind drinking it, it wasn’t something that I was really enjoying either.  Definitely a mellow black tea, I found it a little lacking.

My Rating:  2 / 5

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